The investors here have been looking to go into cash [ sell assets] and they have seen substantial losses. 投资者们都想着套现,而他们的资产价值已经大幅下跌。
Some London bankers are already up in arms over a European Union proposal, similar in outline to the G-20's, that would force banks to hold on to extra cash to cover certain losses. 伦敦的一些银行业人士已经对欧盟一项提案大为不满;该提案与二十国集团公报所阐述的大体类似,可能会迫使银行截留更多现金用于应对某些损失。
Although the company holds net cash of more than$ 100m it has posted losses each year since its 2009 listing, burning through cash in the process. 虽然该公司持有超过1亿美元的净现金,但它自2009年上市以来年年报告亏损,在此过程中不断烧钱。
Nokia's cash burn and losses have narrowed, but it only controls about 3% of the global smartphone market and 14% of a total handset market. 诺基亚的现金消耗与亏损有所收窄,但该公司目前只控制着全球3%的智能手机市场和14%的整体手机市场。
It's not the first time a double-your-money error has occurred at cash machines and on previous occasions some banks have chosen to write off the losses rather than pursue a large number of claims. 这已经不是第一次出现取一送一的新闻了。在过往事件中,银行通常都选择将损失一笔勾销,而非向民众进行大规模的起诉。
Losses converted into cash refer to direct losses. 损失折款指直接损失。
The gap arising from the foreign exchange conversion of a sellable cash financial asset in any foreign currency shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. 可供出售外币货币性金融资产形成的汇兑差额,应当计入当期损益。
As thirsty financial institutions conserved their caches, the securitization model of tiered cash flows, subordinated losses, and credit enhancements shrunk back, leaving loan originators low and dry. 由于饥渴的金融机构囤积居奇,分级现金流的证券化模型、次级损失和信用增级出现收缩,使贷款发放者陷于低位和枯竭。
The Ministry of Finance, however, says it should allocate the cash, especially since it paid for the losses and reorganisation of the SOEs in years gone by. 然而,财政部却说应该由他们来分配这笔资金,特别是因为是财政部承担了近些年来国有企业的改制和损失。
They knew that fellow hedge fund managers needed to raise cash to cover losses, and that they would do this by taking profits in their most successful investments. 它们知道,其他对冲基金管理公司需要筹集现金来填补亏损,方法是卖出他们最成功的投资。
Lenovo's strong sales in China give it some breathing space and cash flow to sustain losses in overseas markets, says Randy Zhou, analyst at Bank of China International. 中银国际分析师周诚(RandyZhou)表示,联想在中国的强劲销售,使公司获得了一些喘息空间和现金流,得以支撑在海外市场的亏损。
Some were having to rely on inter-company loans, or bank credit lines, to ensure they have enough cash to meet claims, while they were also less able to afford cover for extreme losses, she said. 莫厄里表示,一些保险公司不得不依赖企业间贷款或银行信贷额度来保证有足够现金支付理赔,同时他们为极端损失提供保险的能力也有所下降。
It also took large positions in the cash subprime market and its cash losses may well exceed whatever losses it suffers on its derivatives position. 它在现金次贷市场也有大量头寸,而且现金亏损可能远远超过衍生品头寸造成的亏损。
Since last August when the crisis erupted, banks have been reluctant to lend to one another, hoarding cash for their own potential losses and worried about the creditworthiness of other banks. 自去年8月危机爆发以来,银行不愿意提供同业拆借,囤积资金以备自身潜在损失之需,并担心其他银行的信用度。
Alternatives are being ex-plored to a writedown, including the ECB and eurozone countries giving up cash they are owed or launching another discounted bond buyback from private investors who have already suffered losses. 正在探讨中的替代债务减记的其他方案包括,欧洲央行(ecb)以及欧元区国家放弃收回贷款,或启动面向已经遭受损失的私人投资者的另一轮减值债券回购。
More than 10 North American banks and fund managers have collectively injected$ 3bn into their money market and cash funds since October to stem losses. 自10月份以来,逾10家北美银行和基金管理公司已总计向其货币市场基金和现金基金注资30亿美元,目的是避免损失。
Ford Motor is considering offering its car plants as security to lenders as part of a drive by the troubled Detroit-based carmaker to bolster cash reserves in the face of massive losses. 福特汽车(FordMotor)正考虑以其汽车制造厂作抵押,向银行借贷。这是这家境况不佳的底特律汽车制造商在遭遇巨额亏损的情况下,充实现金储备的举措之一。
The cash dividends of the sellable equity instrument investments shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period when the investee announces the distribution of dividends. 可供出售权益工具投资的现金股利,应当在被投资单位宣告发放股利时计入当期损益。
For a cash flow hedging of forecast transaction, the forecast transaction shall be likely to occur and shall make the enterprise faced to the risk of changes in cash flow, which will ultimately affect the profits and losses. 对预期交易的现金流量套期,预期交易应当很可能发生,且必须使企业面临最终将影响损益的现金流量变动风险。
Role and Effect of Cash Crop Hedgerows on Controlling Soil and Water Losses from Sloping Farmlands in the Upper Reaches of Yangtze River 经济植物篱在防治长江上游坡耕地水土流失中的作用及效果
But enterprises cash is enterprise profitability minimum assets, poor investments of enterprises cash means waste of resources, the consequences such as misappropriate caused by the poor enterprises cash management mean the huge losses of the enterprise. 但是企业现金是企业获利能力最低的资产,企业现金管理不力不仅造成资源的浪费,而且会造成挪用等后果,将给企业巨大的损失。
In Wen chuan earthquake the central government promptly adopted a redeployment of cash and supplies to the disaster areas, established the post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction funds, took a variety of measures to reduce disaster losses. 在汶川大地震发生后中央政府迅速采取了向灾区调拨现金与物资、建立震后恢复重建基金等多种措施,对减轻灾害损失起到了重要的作用。